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8th International Summer School was a great success

With more than 50 participants from 24 countries around the world and 18 international faculty members, the 8th summer school for neuropathology and epilepsy surgery was the best ever attended course of this series!

"We had an awesome experience during the 4-day course program with all our distinguished teachers and high-content case discussions" was the most reported feedback from fellow students.


We are now looking forward to our next courses in Beijing, China, September 17-20 (fully booked), Campinas, Brazil (dates will be announced soon, approx. July 2019, please check our website for further information on early registration, as room will be limited), and Erlangen in 2020 (tbc).

The organizers would like to thank all participants, tutors and lecturer for their engagement and enthusiasm to make this course another great success!!